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Instead, the meaning is external to the compound — scarecrow, redhead, pickpocket, showoff, and paperback. Writers, designers and artisans of all sorts must master the fine art of subtraction. Like your header, the footer of your homepage is likely to be a standard feature all across your website. You’ll want to create a footer and carefully consider the elements it contains. Make your search mechanism easy to find by conforming to the convention of offering it somewhere in the top-right area of your site, either in its header or atop your sidebar.
This gives people more of an understanding of what's provided by your products and services. Dropbox for Business, for example, doesn't shy away from showing off a features matrix right on their homepage below the fold. MyStart is a stripped-down page that highlights only the most essential, personalized features you need, including time, date, weather, and your most visited websites. It features a simple search field for Yahoo or Google, with a beautiful photo that changes every time you open up a new tab.
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A homepage is oftentimes designed to catch attention, and as such, important elements are positioned at the top in a strict hierarchy of importance. Curating which content to display on a homepage, as to not overwhelm visitors, is important to a well-designed page. In addition to customer success stories, both awards and recognition can also help inspire a good first impression. Like social proof, it'll give your business more credibility to those who don't know you. Again, most visitors to your website won't be ready to buy ...
Here’s a comprehensive list of items your website footer might include. You won’t budget dedicated space to displaying keywords , but you should budget planning time to select keywords and work them into your homepage. You might want to offer resources—free or paid—including the offers discussed above, via a specific section of your website. If so, you’ll attract attention to it and increase click-through by dedicating a section of your homepage to showcasing your resource library.
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Within three seconds, a website needs to tell visitors what the business has to offer. It may only be a few words, but it's one of the most important pieces of copy on your website. This home page works based on the incorporation of intelligent design, chatbot technology, and obvious provision of primary audience user journey’s.

Your homepage is the place to begin a dialogue with your visitor. Introductory copy should generally be tight, benefit-oriented, informative and friendly. It’s also the perfect place to include keywords and internal links. Your homepage is likely to have multiple calls-to-action .
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Google Docs’ spell-checker and grammar guides such as Grammarly consider “homepage” the correct variation of the word, thus signifying the evolution of language through the years. All of these elements should be considered for a homepage design. In my experience, companies are going overboard with including too many things. There isn’t a true focus as to what is really important to showcase to visitors and so the homepage just becomes a cluttered mess.
Subsequent pages within your site can provide additional navigational elements. Finding things on the Internet was not easier or fast as it is in modern times, at the time when the internet and browsers were released for the first time. Although the browser's homepage is still using by many people every day, a search (e.g., Google) is using by more people in order to their homepage.
While many believe that text speak is, for the most part, negative, it has led to increased abbreviation and the shortening of words for better or for worse. The third type of compound construction is coordinate compounds. These compounds lend one to think of both words equally sharing head-like characteristics, such as in “student-prince” — both a student and a prince . Hyphenated compounds use a hyphen between words often to prevent ambiguity. Language tends to evolve towards increasing efficiency, eventually removing older styles that utilize capitalization, dashes, or spaces.

After consulting with a slew of clients about their homepage strategies, I concluded a checklist would be helpful. When you open the browser to search for something, you may need to return to the browser's home page at some point. The actions and keyboard shortcuts shown below will assist you in returning to your browser's home page. Erase everything in the address bar after the website domain, and enter the domain (e.g., into the address bar. When you enter this domain, the homepage of this site will be opened. You may be confused with the difference between a browser homepage and a website homepage or the above definition of a homepage if you have never created a website or blog.
Your product or service could be the best in the world, and it's okay to lay that claim — it's just that people may not believe you unless they hear it from other people, too. Make sure to use an image that clearly indicates what you offer. Use images that capture emotion, drive action, and visually tell the story you’re writing about.

The Web is still relatively new to us, and the language around it can tend to vary and change rapidly. Thanks to the digital world, we are constantly adding new words to the dictionary. Web Content Checklist post offers additional information to publish better content and optimize it effectively. The homepage of an ecommerce site begs to have a search function to help visitors quickly find what they seek. Many homepages, especially those offering online services, offer free trials. The current Evernote homepage (it’s updated often) presents benefits in what I call a “ping pong” layout, made popular by Apple.
The clickable elements of the home page help to tell the drag and drop functionality of the service Dropbox provide. I often look at websites with an SEO hat on, and this home page example delivers many best-practice items that are embedded in that mindset. Features include fast user association and segmentation with easy to process visual support triggers. The TED homepage embodies the company mission for sharing of information, ideas, and interests in an easy to digest, accessible fashion. As you scroll through the home page you can almost put checks against many of the well documented best practices for home page design spanning creative and marketing mediums.

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