Friday, December 18, 2020

How To Become A Home Inspector In Colorado?

Learning doesn’t end once you’ve earned your home inspector certification. ICA offers number of bonus courses that allow practicing home inspectors to widen their skill sets. Best of all, these bonus classes, including our mold and radon certification courses, are free of charge to students who enroll in our online home inspection course.

how to become a home inspector in colorado

However, getting started can prove to be a daunting task. That’s why we have prepared this article to help you become an expert in this field. Check out the details for your state home inspector education requirements. The job of home inspector can be quite satisfying and lucrative.

You can start a free trial for your course today!

If any damage is found that was not originally reported by the owner, it may affect the purchase price or the status of the deal. Before you buy a home, you may do a visual inspection of its structure and systems. But a complete inspection will be necessary before the final purchase takes place. An inspector will be brought in for this part of the sale process.

how to become a home inspector in colorado

On the commercial side of things, we train you to the ASTM standards. In most cases, you can get approved for a policy within 24 hours. Both of these types of insurance are quite affordable and can be further discounted if you pay more money upfront or bundle them together.

Step 3: Pass the Exam

The first slide of the course is the member's contact information. InterNACHI's Certified Professional Inspectors Certification is approved with the City of Boulder Planning and Development Services for D-9 and G Licensing. The average annual salary for a home inspector in the state of Colorado is $66,660 per year or $32.05 per hour. Of course, if average is your goal, you won’t be self-employed for long.

how to become a home inspector in colorado

The training, exam, and certification are all online and free for members. Our rigorous training program gives you the tools to excel in your new career, run your own business and make a bunch of money. The online training and certification are free for members. No infrared, no blower door, and no additional training is needed.

How Do You Become a Home Inspector in Colorado?

The few requirements and training make it easy to make the transition. Late-career inspectors can earn up to 23 percent more than mid-career inspectors who experience a pay raise of just over 8%. Additionally, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most inspectors leave their employment after 20 years.

how to become a home inspector in colorado

Once you are completed, you will receive a Certificate of Completion to turn into your State for licensing. I have a doctoral level education in architectural history and have an MFA focused on history as well as preservation. I came to the course wanting to learn more about how a building lives and the process of inspections more than to do this as a career. However, your instructors were so informative, and made the process so exciting, I am earnestly considering it as an option. PHII gives Colorado residents interactive training, experienced support, a lot of value and the most affordable tuition in the industry. Over the years we have successfully trained thousands of home inspectors throughout the U.S. and Canada, including many home inspectors in Colorado.

Enroll in a certification course

Not all states require home inspectors to take a test before they are licensed or certified, but many will. Enter the address you need inspected below to find certified home inspectors nearby. Review complete requirements for becoming a Home inspector below.

Register for the ICA Real Estate Inspection Certificate Program. Our Home Inspector Course will give you all the knowledge you will need to perform a home inspection and own/operate your own successful home inspection business. Free access to Report Form Pro Nitro Inspection Report Software, normally $399. We provide resources that will help get your business up and running.

In fact, the unregulated states make certification even more valuable, because it's the best way to vet a home inspector by seeing if they are in good standing with an association. Making mistakes is a part of human nature, and it happens to the best of us. InterNACHI's free, online "Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course" is AARST-NRPP approved for both initial certification and Continuing Education. To complete all components of the NRPP Radon Certification, please visit their site for more information. The North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board has approved InterNACHI as a Course Sponsor of free, online courses for home inspectors. InterNACHI pays the $5/credit hour fee to upload the course completions for you to the state of NC, keeping these courses completely free for InterNACHI members.

View approval of current list of approved courses as of April 30, 2015. View approval of Calculating Envelope Energy Loss course. View CEC Steps to Performing a Roof Inspection Class Approval.

Benefits of Becoming a Home Inspector

The exam is scored between 200 and 800 with 500 being a passing score. There is a fee to take the test which is generally between $200 and $300. This article will review what a home inspector does and how you can earn your home inspector license or certification. Home inspectors are responsible for inspecting a newly purchased home to look for signs of damage that may affect the property’s value.

how to become a home inspector in colorado

Commercial Property inspections clients often pay more and tend to be repeat clients. While Residential home inspections are lucrative, don’t miss out on the commercial side due to a lack of knowledge. Our Training meets most state and federal requirements with minor changes. Value isn’t the only advantage of our Home Inspector Course.

Business & Marketing (online & free for members):

Our membership portal, Edcetera Home Inspection, contains everything you need to start and grow your business, including live webinars, business templates, downloadable PDFs, and more. Continuing education is not required for home inspectors in Colorado. We work closely with the American Society of Home Inspectors. In fact, we train you specifically to the ASHI standards of practice and our school is an ASHI Gold level Member. Most people underestimate the time it takes to start a business. Getting equipment, insurance, a business license, and building a website are some of the things you'll need to do to get ready for showtime.

They bring their insight to our incredibly comprehensive course, ensuring each student is prepared to start their new career by the end of the class. From home inspection basics to the fundamentals of starting your own business, we cover it all. You’ll finish the course with your home inspector certification and the knowledge you need to succeed in this exciting field.

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